Moni, the creator of the pattern, has just announced 2, yes 2, new stole KALs. The Yahoo groups are dem-fischer-sin-fru (aka, the fisherman's wife) and the Secret of Bad Nauheim. Both are based in German, but there are English translation of all the important information. (The German Yahoo info pages are in the same format as similar English-based Yahoo pages.)
The Nautical Knitter has also announced a new shawl KAL on Yahoo. It's simply named Secret of the Stole II. The name of the group has changed. Now it has a "-" in the name.
My viewpoint is that one can never belong to too many shawl KALs.
On another subject, I've posted the second in a series on crocheting -- at Bits and Bobs the Blog. This new post is on the chain stitch. (I'm starting out with the very basics.)

Here is a picture of our "new" car, a 2005 Hyundai. We bought it as a small commuter car. It's a pleasure to drive. It's the first red car we've ever owned. But, there are quite a few red cars around here (because of Rutgers being in the state), and so it won't stand out too much. (When we think red, we think either Ohio State or NC State.)
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